

 This foundational stage is about empowering you with the Information & insights that enable you to understand if there is a market, the shape & size of the market, the competition, where your proposition fits within the target demographic’s ecosystem and what you need to do to succeed?

We work with you to provide the macro and micro data, secondary and primary research that enables you to make informed decisions on whether you should proceed and what is required to make your market entry a success.


Explore Menu of Services

Market Analysis - Macro

  • UK

  • Europe

  • Overview & Key Data Points, including:

    • Economic, Fiscal & Social

    • Demographics

    • Leading & Lagging Business Indicators

    • Ratings

    • Cultural

  • Market Demographics / Firmographics

  • Total Target Market Size

  • Target Addressable Market

  • Competitor Overview, including:

    • Competitor List

    • Sales Strategy

    • Pricing (where available)

    • Offering Summary

    • Target Verticals

  • Market Maturity Assessment Rating

  • Governement Incentive Summary

  • Commentary & Recommendations


Market Analysis - Micro

  • Competitor SWOT Analysis

  • Expansion Readiness Review, including:

    • Technical

    • Operational

    • Commercial

  • Voice of the Customer Interviews

  • Localisation Requirements

  • Intellectual Property Protection

  • Commentary & Recommendations



  • Client Specific Overview of Funding & Options

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